Monday, October 22, 2012

Fantastic Math Resource

The websites listed below contain the following:
* Great tutorial video clips
* EQAO supports
* Online student questions
* Math Processes
* Manipulatives support
* Guides to Effective Instruction in Mathematics
* Math Assessments

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Holy Names Catholic High School

Holy Names Festival choir will be singing as a guest choir with the Band "Foreigner" at their October 19th show at the Windsor Casino.  The choir is thrilled that they were asked to perform as backup for the song "I Want To Know What Love Is" Twenty Five choir members from Holy Names will share the stage with this fantastic band.

The Big Crunch at St. Bernard!

St. Bernard – The Big Crunch – Student Nutrition Awareness Program

DATE:                        Thursday October 25th , 2012

TIME:   11:00 am for synchronized Apple Biting “Crunch” in Schools
St. Bernard -All Day Activities
-Morning announcements will contain nutrition facts
-JK/SK - Reading Nutrition Themed Stories
-Gr. 1/2 - Apple themed centers, crossword puzzles and activities (dissecting apples and counting the seeds, comparing texture, skin, size, shape and number of seeds per variety of apple, for example)
-Primary Grades - Design nutrition posters
-Intermediate Grades - Preparing a rap or skit about nutrition and performing for school
-Students will be encouraged to wear red or green
-Entire school will gather in the gym and participate in some DPA led by a teacher
-Countdown to synchronized apple 'crunch' will follow at approximately 11:00 a.m.
-A draw will be held and two winning classes will be awarded a smoothie party, courtesy of the Windsor Essex County Health Unit.

LOCATION: St. Bernard (Windsor) 1645 Meldrum

Monday, October 8, 2012

Blogging with Boudreau!

Hello Everyone
Some of you advanced techies may already be using blogs in you schools, however, I am new to blogging and wanted to share my experience.

I wanted to get away from the several hours it takes to make a formal newsletter and the costs associated with paper usage. Teachers were also making classroom newsletters with the same disadvantages being time and cost.

My goal was to increase communication and increase efficiencies. When the WEPVPA blog was created, I inquired into making a school blog. In a one hour visit with Doug Sadler, I had a beautifully functioning blog for myself and one for staff....and here's the great news...if you know how to send messages/email through the BBS then you can blog...literally.

When you get set up, it will be created in a way that you really don't need to access the blogging program. You literally send "your blog" a message from the BBS and your message is posted to your site. You just blogged. It's that simple.

You can send pictures and messages to parents instantly instead if compiling information for a month. As an addition to or in place of synervoice, you can send a message. It can be done from your phones, iPads, or desktop and it doesn't matter if you are using Apple or PC or if you choose to go between both. Parents can subscribe to your blog and be notified immediately when a new message is posted.

Both the teacher blog and my admin blog have been running for a week. To date we are well over 500 hits on each site. PARENTS ARE READING IT!

One savvy teacher instructed parents that when she blogs each week there will be a hidden treasure word that can be recorded in the child's agenda. The teacher will then hold a draw for a prize for the child all because the parent is reading her blog. Cool!

I have attached the addresses for the teacher and admin blog for you to look at. It really has saved time and money while increasing communication. There are so many more advantages...too many to list here...but consider your school, the community and if this would work. It's really a great tool.

Lisa Boudreau
Principal St. Anne FI

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Math Processes In Action at St. Christopher...

Check out what we are doing at St. Christopher in Math...
Math Process Focus:  Representing
Students looked at numberlines & hundreds charts as a form of representing the numeric forms of patterns.
A Rich Task & Parallel Task was given to target all students at various levels.  (Task:  How can we use a numberline, hundreds chart or both to represent a pattern?) Manipulatives given were:  dry erase markers for the desk, copy of hundreds chart, measuring tape.

Curriculum Resources

Memories From Oxley...

Words of Wisdom...

1) Share the Sidewalk.

2) Don't forget to Nudge.

3) Black & Brown...they notice everything!

4) Allow for student voice.

5) Supporting one another is key!